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Discovering you’re pregnant opens up a whole new world filled with an array of information from everyone including loved ones, medical professionals and the internet which can be difficult to navigate through the next 9 months and beyond!

One of the big questions we often get asked by our pregnant patients, is whether it is still ok to exercise, and our answer is most definitely yes!

Although high intensity classes which cause breathlessness and contact sports such as judo or squash are to be avoided, there are so many other options available that will help you throughout pregnancy, especially when it comes to managing aches and pains, along with supporting your mental well-being.

Here are our top tips and advice on exercising in pregnancy:

  • Keep active:

Try and incorporate around 30 minutes activity per day, which could include walking. Regular exercise will help you as your body changes shape and weight gain, along with helping with labour and getting back into shape after the birth.

  • Stretch:

Before any exercise, ensure you do some stretches to warm up and afterwards to cool down. Also keep hydrated with plenty of water. The piriformis stretch is a good one in for pregnancy as Simon discusses in the video below.

As mentioned above, contact sports should be avoided, and activities that carry a risk of falling such as horse riding or climbing approached with caution. Keeping it low impact with exercises such as Pilates or yoga can really help with strength training the back, leg and core muscles. Ensure you inform the class teacher of your pregnancy so they can offer specific advice.

  • Adapt and listen to your body

Although there can be tendency to carry on as normal, your body is changing daily and it will mean changes to your usual exercise routine so don’t push yourself too hard. If you want to continue partaking in aerobic exercises such as running, or swimming be mindful of your level of exertion and the potential for injury being greater due to your muscles becoming looser. If you weren’t a runner before you were pregnant, it may be too intense to start now.

  • Everyone is different

It’s important you do what you are comfortable with. Every pregnancy is unique, and we all have our own interests and limits. Whether it’s going to the gym, a swimming class, walk in the park or exercises in the comfort of your own home, seek medical advice before undertaking your pregnancy exercise regime.

Chiropractic Care in Pregnancy

Did you know chiropractic care in pregnancy can also help manage aches and pains. Here Megan shares her story who came to see us at our Chiropractors in Horsforth to help with lower back pain.

“I started seeing Tim 3 months into my pregnancy after a recommendation from my husband.

I had a relevantly straightforward pregnancy however started to develop back pain early on, particularly after sitting for prolonged periods of time. My treatment at the clinic kept pain at bay and definitely made the pregnancy a more comfortable experience.

The treatment felt tailored to my ongoing needs throughout the pregnancy and after birth.

Tim recommended exercises to do at home to develop my core strength and pelvic floor which I account for my quick postpartum recovery. 6 months on I am stronger, fitter and have a healthy baby girl. Thank you Tim!

I would highly recommend even a consultation with Tim. Over the course of my treatment I’ve become a complete convert to chiropractic services.”

Debbie Shaw

Author Debbie Shaw

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